For Parents

This is a resource page to help parents gain the skills to teach nutrition with confidence to their kids. I will post tips on keeping nutrition fun, modeling good behavior, overcoming nutrition concerns, finding time, identifying accurate info, and even include some of my favorite websites, intuitive eating concepts and more!

This week I had an interesting modeling moment with my kiddo. I rarely get sick, but I’ve had a pretty bad case of bronchitis for a couple weeks. A few days ago I had a coughing fit while my little 11-month-old guy was playing next to me. As soon as […]

The Power of Modeling

When I was a dietetic intern at Nebo School District, I had the opportunity to do several projects related to teaching children nutrition. I was continually amazed at how fascinated the kids were with learning about nutrition and how quickly they were willing to change their attitudes about food. Now, […]

Why Kid Nutrition Minute?