Helpful Websites: The Family Dinner Project

family picnic

Countless studies have shown us the importance of family meals on children’s emotional and physical health. I was lucky enough to have a mother who made family meals a priority and I can attest to how much they helped me and my siblings develop healthy relationships with food and with each other. However, now that I am a mom too, I realize how much I took those daily family dinners for granted. They’re hard! We may dream of hosting family dinners like the Normal Rockwell painting “Freedom from Want,” but most of us are not to that point yet. 🙂

That’s where comes to the rescue! This fantastic website teaches the benefits of family meals, but then gives realistic recipes, games and conversation starters to make them a success. You can sign up for these things to be mailed to your inbox or you can bookmark recipes, conversation starters and games for later. Set a family meal goal and track your progress! One thing I especially like is that the games and conversation starters are organized by age so you don’t have to waste time screening them. The activities are designed in alignment with mindful eating practices which I really like too.

Check out and let me know what you think!

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